Valentijn De Smedt

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Master and Ph.D. in Engineering Science @ KU Leuven
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Lego Technics
"Let's go for a moonwalk!"
As far as I remember I have always been interested in electronics and technology. When I was 5 years old, I disassembled my first radio, however, without being able to get it working again. Afterwards, I started building burglar alarms, humidity sensors and smart lighting systems. I got my first ham radio license when I was 13 years old and was able to build a satellite receiver to decode wheater photos on my computer. I seemed destined to be an engineer, and in 2007 I received my Master degree in Electrical Engineering (Integrated Electronics). After my PhD about temperature and supply-voltage independent integrated oscillators, I started my job in industry at MinDCet, a spinoff company of KU Leuven. In this position I was responsibe for the IP development of integrated high voltage applications and participated in several space-related projects. In 2016 I was asked to return to KU Leuven for a teaching assignment. One year after, I started my research in Radiation Tolerant Electronics for Power and Control applications and was appointed as Assistant Professor. In this role I dreamed of launching a CubeSat and after several feasibility studies, we decided to launch the Aether TechInVent team.