Brecht De Vuyst

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Electronics and ICT Engineering Technology @ Campus Group T Leuven
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Space technology
Tinkering with electronics and software (Arduino, RaspberryPi)
Home Networking
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footprints on the moon ~ Paul Brandt"
I've always wanted to be an inventor. As a kid, I made cardboard vending machines and a transport system of 'Clics' along the stair rail. Also fuelled by Science Fiction, my interest and passion for Space Engineering grew, and I was fairly young when I quoted that "I didn't want te become an astronaut, but someone who would made it possible for them to travel further and faster". Studying Engineering Technology at the KU Leuven, I chose to be submerged in the world of Electronics and ICT and fell in love with team projects. Adding the post-graduate TechInVent programme to my career path had always been my goal, but it was only when a space-related team 'Aether' appeared, that I was over the moon (see what I did there) to join this challenging project.